Tuesday, 7 May 2013


The night was cold and dark with thin winds blowing. The hiss of the wind was loud but inconsistent; one could think that they were in a snake-filled pit. The moon was blood red so that one could think the end of times had come. This night could be compared to the night of rebirth of the witches five hundred years ago when all evil was unleashed unto the world, a mere myth.
Melrick walked along the empty street with no particular destination in mind. This had become routine since had started living alone in the city.  Look right look left then look right again, go to Hell, He crossed the road without much care; death didn’t scare him at all. He finally found himself between two buildings. The buildings that had such beautiful fronts were so ugly at the back. He found this oddly similar to his case, in reality only outward appearance mattered; people couldn’t judge what they didn’t see or know.
As he stood there lost in thought, he felt the wind get colder and its hiss get louder and immediately he knew. Behind him a whirlwind appeared. He wanted to run but the alley was closed at one end, the end free of danger of course. The thought of running left him, one cannot outrun the wind. As the whirlwind roared towards him leaving behind it a trail of destruction, Melrick leaned against a wall and said a short spell. He slipped through the wall like a poltergeist and found himself inside a club. Damn why didn’t I think of this before- getting into a club without an ID. The seventeen-year-old walked out of the club like someone without a care. He did not even think about the attack since he did not care. He walked along the empty streets. This time his destination was clear, home.
Rivalry among witch covens, magic brawls to test or estimate strength and even strange horrid murders and other vile acts performed using magic: all these were things common in Melrick’s world for Melrick was one of the last true witches of pure blood. His magic was pure and burning just like a flame, the symbol of his family. It was not as static as the earth from whom the family line of Kaos the destructor emerged. It was not as wild and cold as the magic of the wind, the magic that ran in the blood of Hakkatan and his kin, them being the ones that had attacked him earlier. His magic was not as mad as that of Mwenda Mwendwa-the mother of all witches, who had been hunted down by nations and lynched on an altar as large as a city over a millennia ago. No the magic that flowed in Melrick’s veins and existed in every cell of his body was special and highly unique for it was pure, purely good.
As he neared his home, he saw as if for just a second, the image of the moon had shifted. The moon was larger than ever. It was as if the moon goddess had pushed it closer to the earth. She shone more brightly, shedding her light throughout his environs. He wondered how in one night the moon would go from being blood red to being whiter than snow. He guessed that the moon goddess could get rid of the anger and ill feelings in her heart very quickly and replacing them with pure love. He felt as if the moon’s light was soothing his heart and warming his soul. For a moment, he dropped his normal lackadaisical nature and opened his heart, letting his feelings of fear, anger, and love flow freely. His feelings flooded his soul and with a smile he shed a tear. When that one tear touched the ground he felt as if he had been cleansed, it was if that tear had carried with it all his fears, ill feelings, anger and uncertainties.
The largeness of the moon this night and its beauty were incomparable to anything he had ever seen before. He remembered the story that his mother had told him. Elfy Manka was her name. She had told him how the moon had fallen in love with a mortal yet she was a goddess. When the man died, the sun god who had desired the moon goddess for so long did not want them to be together so he denied the man entry into heaven. He punished the moon so that she could only shine at night when all men including her lover, were asleep. The moon’s lover became a wandering ghost. He slept during the day so that at night, he would see the moon. Elfy Manka had told Melrick that whenever he saw the moon closer to the earth and larger than normal, it meant that the moon and her lover had been reunited. Melrick had never liked this story, why should you be separated from the people you love? And he hated it more when death took away his mother, the only one he had truly cared about.
He woke suddenly from his reverie. He had let the moon bewitch him with her beauty. As he started to take his eyes off the moon, he came to doubt his eyes for atop the crescent moon sat a flaxen girl. Her golden hair danced around in the wind as if it was a separate entity from her. She smiled at him with her eyes fixed on his and he guessed that it was she who had put him in that trance using the moon. Immediately he hated himself for being such easy prey. Although she had not harmed him, she was a witch and from all his experiences, all witches were evil.
She descended slowly from the skies like an angel. She maintained her calm face and beautiful smile but as she neared the ground, the wind blew a little stronger and her dress was blown over her waist. After some struggle she succeeded in holding down her dress using her hands. When her eyes met Melrick’s again her cheeks turned red contrasting greatly with her pale skin. He guessed that she was embarrassed so he looked away. He looked back at her waiting for her to speak or attack for she was a witch after all.

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